About This Blog

I began this blog in 2011 in an attempt to improve my photography and showcase all of California's 58 counties. I didn't quite make all of the 58, I missed three and I will try to rectify that in the coming year. I'm not sure how much I improved my photography because I always seemed to be in a rush.
In 2012 I plan to take more time, perhaps not post every day (this is one thing I did accomplish in 2011). I also plan to expand beyond California and include images from other parts of Western United States. I will continue to include a map showing where I was when I took the picture. I will keep commentary to a minimum, long photo essays will continue to be at Martha's Musings.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mojave Yucca


Riverside County
Linked to Macro Monday

Where is this?  Click the link for a map.


TexWisGirl said...

great shot! love the focus!

Kay L. Davies said...

Wonderful photo!
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

Wonderful light and details. Happy Macro Monday

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful photo! I've noticed the little "stings" coming off the yucca leaves and wondering how to capture it. You nailed it!

Sandbergs Fotoblogg said...

Oh, the super cool macro you show up!

Anonymous said...

Great shot. I do love macro shots and discovering things up close.

Anonymous said...

great macro shot !!

Nicolette said...

Wonderful image... love this closeup of the yucca leaves...

waqas said...

Nice shot. Is it a Yucca or some Agave?

Scott Law said...

I do like these Yucca plants for macro shots like these. I've posted a couple of very similar ones over the past year. Nice job.

Carola said...

What a wonderful shot, unique.

Dimple said...

This is a wonderful close-up.

Jay said...

Great photo! I love the angles and curves.

We have a 'tame' yucca in our conservatory. It doesn't peel like that, but perhaps it's because it's not actually in the desert?

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